
Mailing Lists & How to Get the Password

Sugarbutch Chronicles has two different mailing lists, and one way to get the password to the protected posts. Since I’ve had a few more password posts than usual lately, I’ve had some folks asking, so it’s about time to put up a new explanation.

1. The Newsletter

The newsletter is the once-a-month mailing list where I send out announcements about the site, special offers (sometimes I have passwords or offer codes from some Sugarbutch sponsors), and general updates. Email me – aspiringstud[at]gmail.com – to get on this mailing list, or leave a comment with your valid email address in the comments of this post.

2. Sugarbutch Daily to your email inbox

If you aren’t really a “blog person,” if you don’t read half the internet every day (like I do), if you don’t subscribe to RSS feeds and spend a lot of your time on the web, but you still love reading Sugarbutch, you might want to consider subscribing via email.

Entering your email address in below will send you ONE email per day with the text of all the posts that have been published that day. If there are no posts, you won’t get an email.

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3. Password protected posts

The password protected posts tend to be more personal, often musings about my own self-awareness, emotional processes, or the details of my relationships, which often feel vulnerable in a way that writing about sex does not (I know, weird, but that’s how it is). (Sometimes they are very smutty, dirty stories, with kinks or explorations that are dark and difficult to reveal – so it’s not all omphaloskepsis, there is some sex stuff too, sometimes.)

To get access to the password protected posts, join the Patreon at http://patreon.com/mrsexsmith. More information on the Patreon and the password protected posts here.

Published by Sinclair Sexsmith

Sinclair Sexsmith (they/them) is "the best-known butch erotica writer whose kinky, groundbreaking stories have turned on countless queers" (AfterEllen), who "is in all the books, wins all the awards, speaks at all the panels and readings, knows all the stuff, and writes for all the places" (Autostraddle). ​Their short story collection, Sweet & Rough: Queer Kink Erotica, was a 2016 finalist for a Lambda Literary Award, and they are the current editor of the Best Lesbian Erotica series. They identify as a white non-binary butch dominant, a survivor, and an introvert, and they live outside Seattle as an uninvited settler on traditional, ancestral, & unceded Snoqualmie land.

347 thoughts on “Mailing Lists & How to Get the Password”

  1. Les says:

    very much a real person (last i checked). password please. thanks

  2. miss lala says:

    found your blog through the 100 top butches list; i'd love access to your password-protected posts–the stuff out in public is incredibly hot.

  3. Irene says:

    Well, looks like I'm real enough to be terribly fascinated by your writing…looking forward to receiving the password. Please ^_^

  4. Frances says:


    Definitely a real person, loving your blog…definitely shouldn’t be reading this at work, but I can’t seem to help myself! ;-)

  5. Alicia says:

    I have (alternately) jerked off and cried to your writing. Wow. Thank you for being here.

  6. Missy Bistro says:

    i'd like access to the password! Thank you.

  7. Shannon says:

    I can't help accessing your website on regular basis, I follow you on twitter but it isn't enough! would love password….

    I do have facebook, but it is very very hard to get to my page, but I think that is my personal fb page..

    thank you!

  8. Shaun says:

    I would like the password for the protected entries and to be added to the mailing list. In the mean time, I'll read through the archives. Thanks.

  9. megan says:

    password please

    already subscribed to news letter thanks!

  10. rok says:

    reading ure blog now since some days – love it!

    would love to get access to the restricted password posts.

    and yes, i'm a real person. kinda. sometimes. well, most of the time.

  11. Joce says:

    All I gots is a facebook page. Can I have to password gatekeeper???

  12. Quinn says:


    you actually follow me on twitter already, and i believe on tumblr. i'm enjoying getting to know your writing, and if you're still giving out that password i'd love to read more. thanks for the great stuff!

  13. S says:

    recently joined the mailing lists. cant get enough. can i please have the password? :)

  14. Jen says:

    wow. newly Out this year and I think I've dove straight into the deep end. Loving this. Password for more?

  15. t says:

    hi there! i love your site and would love the password to the protected posts! i don't have a blog or anything, but i am definitely a real person! in fact, i heard you read at happy ending lounge in june and thought you were amazing!!!

  16. BJ says:

    I LOVE reading your blogs and articles…may I have the password, please? I want more…

  17. sarah says:

    Here's my blog, I'd love the password.


  18. Janet says:

    Please send along the password so I can get more Sugarbutch.



  19. jazz says:

    hi, found your blog via dorothysurrenders. Please may I have the password? Thanks in advance!

  20. S says:

    I'd really like the password. I've been reading this site for over a year but somehow have resisted asking for the password… can't take it anymore!

    Thanks and keep up the GREAT work!

  21. anon says:

    Password please. Thanks for making these conversations available online. Much appreciated.

  22. Dawn says:

    Stumbled onto your site a while back and have been reading pretty regularly ever since. Could you please provide me with the password for the protected posts and sign me up for the newsletter? Thanks!

  23. MaryMary says:

    Can i have the password? Pretty please? <3

  24. emily says:

    i would love the password protected posts!

  25. Steph says:

    please send me the password

  26. caitlin says:

    can i have the password to the password protected posts, please?


  27. Alisa says:

    I'd like to get the password to view your protected blogs. Found you via Butch-Femme Clubheaven group, and 100 hot top butches…your blog is great! From a femme, lesbian, bottom, kinky Seattle-ite. Alisa

    I'm on facebook under my own name, too.

  28. Lola says:

    I would love access to the password protected posts, please :)

  29. Linds says:


    I'm not a myspacer, or tweeter – however, I am a facebooker but didn't want to post the link here, I would give it in an email though. I'm most certainly a real person, flawed and all.

    I stumbled upon this blog by accident, and I could say a lot – but I'm just supposed to leave a comment- Soo…I'll say that I'm not typically a blog reader, but there is something about this blog and your writing that keeps me checking it everyday for anything new you have to say.

    With that said, I'd love to have the protected password.


  30. Kathrin says:

    I have been reading your blog for a while. May I have the password to your protected posts?



  31. Barbara Greeff says:

    Hi would love to read more. If you search FB for my name, you will find me!


  32. Library Dyke says:

    Could I please have your password? :D

    And this is to verify that I am a human and lesbian flavored-

    Thank you very much.

  33. megan says:

    would love the password. i'm already on the newsletter. thanks for sharing.

  34. Al says:

    so in love with your site. password pretty please

  35. Rachel says:

    I love this site and would like to see it for all it has to offer.
    The password would be awesome!
    Thank you

  36. Imo says:

    I've been googling all day, not knowing exactly what I was looking for, and now I've found it. Having the password would be rad; thanks in advance :)

    Twitter enclosed.

  37. Amber says:

    Ahoy! Stumbled across you by accident, very rapidly became addicted. You are now my required reading and I live for the new posts. Been working my way back through the archives too. I am indeed a real person! May I pretty please with sugar and kisses on top, have the password to the protected posts? Enter my email address into Facebook to check that I am a real person! Or you can find me on MySpace (although I rarely use it these days) http://www.myspace.com/land_of_llama


    A. xo

  38. thisjobstinks says:

    Would also love to have the password and be added to the newsletter. Thanks!

  39. Finding your site has been an inspiration. You’ve created a beautiful work of art exploring your feminist sexuality and perspectives on gender dynamics. I aspire to do something similar, as a mostly-heterosexual, kinky, submissive feminist, who is both attracted to and repulsed by porn that degrades women, and men who get off on that porn. My site is http://www.feministpornographer.com

    I would love to get the password. My subject matter, at times, is dark, difficult to reveal and vulnerable. I believe my thinking would be well informed by your exploration of dark kinks and experiences.

  40. Elenaluz says:

    I love your writing. Both the beauty and wonder of when you're describing your sexual experiences, and identifying with the pain of your emotional experiences. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with a complete stranger, and I hope I'm worthy of sharing your password with.

  41. nicole says:

    not sure how to prove i am real *and* velveteen. i don't use any social networking sites… yet? i would love a password to read some more, but i'm not sure how else to prove real-ness~

  42. Molly says:

    I love being a witness to this part of your life. It makes me more courageous, more bold, and considerably more aroused, and I think I'm finally ready to ask for the password. Feel free to look up my email address on facebook. Thank you, thank you for sharing yourself with us. More please!

  43. Elsbeth says:


    The OkC profile shows a far more *real* me than the other social networking sites do, and gets significantly more use.

    Thank you for sharing such wonderful writing and insight.

  44. sarati says:

    so glad I found you! I have no website, facebook or myspace…and I am real! If you are still willing to send me a password, it would be much appreciated.



  45. sarah says:

    Hey, just found your website and have been sitting and reading for almost 3 hours now. Thank you for answering some of the questions I didn't even know I had about my own identity.

    I'd love the password and to be added to the newsletter.

  46. Diana says:

    would love to have a password. myspace: techgadget_junky

  47. I'd like a password, please.

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