calls for submission

Call for Submissions: Anthology of Bisexual Erotic Fiction, edited by Christian Pan

Please note: This is not my (Sinclair’s) call for submissions or book practice! Please don’t contact me about it. It is being put together by Christian Pan, contact him for any questions, queries, or follow ups.

Bisexual author Christian Pan seeks bold, sexy, and dynamic erotic short stories to be included in a new Anthology of Bisexual Erotic Fiction which will be published independently on Bi Visibility Day (23 September 2024).

According to the latest Gallup poll (2023), 7.6% of Americans identify as part of the LGBTQ community. Three-fifths of LGBTQ adults in America identify as bisexual, causing some researchers to call bi people “the invisible majority”, according to an article published in The Hill in 2023.

This contradiction – on the one hand, of bisexuality being a significant portion of the LGBTQ adult population, yet on the other hand remaining largely invisible within the public sphere–I see reflected within erotic literature. Yes, there are a number of quite talented bisexual-identifying authors of erotica out there, writing exceptional erotic stories that center bisexual characters, and welcome readers into their complexity. However, reputable imprints that publish LGBTQ fiction (including erotica) may have only a limited selection of titles available, if they have any at all. For example, I went to one search engine for a press that publishes a lot of LGBTQ literature (fiction, nonfiction, memoir, and erotica) and when I entered “bisexual” into their search engine, only three titles appeared from their entire catalogue. Two were anthologies of bisexual women´s erotica, and no titles about bisexual men (which, in 2024, I find particularly troubling).

Let´s change this.

I want to self-publish an anthology of exceptional bisexual erotica. I want to gather a diverse collection of erotic stories about bisexual people, to heighten our visibility within our field, to let the world know about our creativity and imaginations. I want this anthology to help uplift the stories, interests, kinks, and experiences of bisexual-identifying folks. Wouldn’t that be fun?

Who wants to join me?

Entry guidelines:

I´m seeking well-written erotic short stories that center bisexual characters. I want these to be hot of course, but I also want them to be intelligent, honest, and bold. Take a chance–put some of you–your feelings and experiences–onto the page.

Your short story can be set in any time-period (present-day, historical, future), and you´re welcome to have your story shift into another genre (fantasy, science-fiction, etc).

Stories by bisexual-identifying authors are preferred, but not required.

In your short story submission, please DO NOT include any of the following:

  • Nonconsensual sex or activities (including dub-con of any degree)
  • Stories involving underage characters or minors, grooming, or anything of the like
  • Incest (including pseudoincest), bestiality, necrophilia, racism
  • Characters that resemble real public figures/ celebrities (including political figures)
  • Substance/alcohol/drug abuse that affect the character’s willingness/ability to consent or make sane judgements and decisions
  • Infidelity or cheating tropes (polyamory and non traditional relationships are welcome so long as all parties are consenting).

Practical details:

All stories must be written in English. First page to include: your legal name (and pseudonym, if applicable), email address, and a biography (maximum of 50 words), written in the third person.

Please have your stories be 4000-5000 words in length.

Format your stories into 12 pt New York Times font, 1.5 or double-spaced, formatted for page numbers.

When ready to submit your story, please go to the registration link here.

Deadlines & important dates:

Deadline for submission: 15 June 2024.

Accepted writers will be notified no later than 12 July 2024.


Writers retain all rights to their written work. Editors of this anthology require that stories accepted into this anthology a) have not been published anywhere else before (online or in print), and that the story will remain exclusive within this anthology until 1 year after the anthology´s publication (September 2025).


For payment, each writer will be paid $40 USD for their story to be included in this anthology, which will be transferred to their account via Venmo or Zelle by the day of publication. In addition, each writer will receive a digital copy of the anthology.


I will cover the costs of editing, formatting, designing the anthology´s book cover, etc.

The anthology will be published on 23 September 2024 (Bi Visibility Day).

About me:

Christian Pan is a bisexual writer who has published over 100 erotic short stories in English, Spanish, and French since 2021. Of his 13 previous books, At the End of the World won the 2023 Star Recommendation from All The Filthy Details, and was a Finalist for the 2022 Golden Pigtails Smut Award for Dark/Taboo Erotica.
In addition to fiction, Christian writes book reviews for his blog Dirty Words, and is a regular contributor to Dish Stanley’s Crush Letter and Dr. Tiffany K.´s Artistic Edge Magazine. He also interviews erotic authors for the Pulse Session segment on the monthly podcast, All the Filthy Details. Since September 2022,, he has been the A Club Captain for Patreon´s Queer Erotic Content Creators Club.
He lives in New York City. To learn more, please visit:

Email me at

Published by Sinclair Sexsmith

Sinclair Sexsmith (they/them) is "the best-known butch erotica writer whose kinky, groundbreaking stories have turned on countless queers" (AfterEllen), who "is in all the books, wins all the awards, speaks at all the panels and readings, knows all the stuff, and writes for all the places" (Autostraddle). ​Their short story collection, Sweet & Rough: Queer Kink Erotica, was a 2016 finalist for a Lambda Literary Award, and they are the current editor of the Best Lesbian Erotica series. They identify as a white non-binary butch dominant, a survivor, and an introvert, and they live outside Seattle as an uninvited settler on traditional, ancestral, & unceded Snoqualmie land.

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