Butch Brunch on Saturday was a blast! Thanks to all who came. Mark the next one on your calendars: September 18th, Cafe Orlin on St Mark’s in the East Village. It was pretty loud in there, if we can find a better venue it will change, but right now that’s the best we’ve got.
I’ve got much more to say about it, but I’m running around today, so here’s a great shot of the butches who brunched. Thanks to the lovely femme who took this photo.
This is exactly what I needed today. Thank you for the eye candy!!
excellent array of eye candy!
Well, that was a lovely way to begin my afternoon. Oh, to have been the femme that was able to photograph all that power!! ::sigh:: I may have to go find my butchgrrl and spend some time alone : )
How lucky we are to live in times where you can stand together with these beautiful, relaxed smiles on your faces without having to be afraid. Simply adorable, all of you. I'm feeling tender just now.
Suupppppperrr cute! Go butches!
Oh my god, you're all so fucking adorable. It's a good thing I wasn't there or I would've been absolutely unbearable, tying myself into knots trying to figure out who to coo over more.
What an incredible array of butch hotness you all are. I knew there was a reason I worshipped at the Church of Good Brunch :)
that's combining my love of brunch AND butches. yum.
Thank you for posting the pix! There's never enough butch hotness!
Stands next to Mel and nods vigorously…
Only one thing to say about you all – PHWOAR! Nice bunch of butches right there :)