I can’t resist posting this. Kelli Dunham, comic, former nun, friend of mine, and nerd extraordinaire, posed a question on her Facebook page about what genderqueer folks do when needing to pee at Penn Station: go into the woman’s room, and get yelled at? Or brave the men’s room’s grime and row of urinals?
In response, a friend of hers suggested she write a catchy song, and voila, she did. Here’s the whole explanation, and the song, in the video:
Check out more Kelli Dunham online at kellidunham.com and on Twitter at @kellidunham.
If you’d like to see her live, she’s got a show coming up with Cheryl B. (who you may know as my co-host from Sideshow), Katie McCabe, Elizabeth Whitney, and Lea Robinson, aka the Famous Lesbian Comedy Roadshow* (*famous lesbians not included) at Stonewall Inn this Tuesday, July 6th. It’s the DIRTY FILTHY RED HOT SUMMER SHOW, clearly not to be missed.

Oh. YAY for this. A real serious vote for YAY! There has to be a queer music industry insider who can make it so this song plays if you listen to a Justin Bieber song backward. If you are reading Secret Agent Queer your time has come. Make it so.
"By a woman from Iowa": the imputation of homophobia from the periphery of the urban is, well, really irriatating. Also: if women think there is a man in the bathroom, shouldn't we, as feminists, support their protest?
So, children are better allies than adults that we can rationally expain our sitation to? What is it about our fantasy of the working class periphery (surely the ruling class doesn't pee in dirty bathrooms!) that we can't imagine having a basic conversation with them?
Fight in the street, not in the bathroom.