Tomorrow, April 3rd, is my 30th birthday.
And I gotta say, I am WAY ready for it. Buh-bye to my ridiculously hard finding-myself 20s. My self is FOUND, okay? I know where I’m at, and I am really excited to be here.
So: gosh, what am I going to do for my this fabulous dirty thirty birthday?

Well, to start, I’m going to give away a few New York City Sexblogger 2009 Calendars. Even though Dacia’s got April (her birthday month too), I’m Mr. August (that would be the hottest month, y’all), and though calendars only have a short shelf-life in bookstores, it’ll be good for another 8 months. Tune in tomorrow for more details on how to win one.

Second …
Remember what I did last year? I requested photos of fabulous shoes (you know the kind: strappy sandals that lace up the ankle), as birthday cards. So: if you feel so inspired, sometime in the near future, send me a photo – or post it on your blog – of some fabulous shoes and a little birthday wish. Let me know about it (email me [aspiringstud at] or comment) so I can take a look. I’ll feature my favorites here on this site.
I had dreams of throwing a big birthday bash, but I’m putting that off until later this year. I also had dreams of getting 30 blowjobs for my 30th birthday … I’m still thinking about that one.
Happy (almost) birthday, old man… ;)
My life began in my 30s and it just kept getting better and better from there. I would not go back one single day. The 20s are filled with transitions and silly angst and the 30s are all about being comfortable in your own skin and really starting your life. There's soooo much to look forward to!
Happy 30th Birthday to you, sir. You deserve all the best.
Happy Birthday to you Sinclair! I wish you all the best :-)
It's tomorrow! Happy 30th!
I am LOVING my 30s… have never been happier! Happy happy 30th to you, Sinclair! Do something nice for yourself. Like I need to tell you that…
happy 30, mister! it's so pleasing to see someone so sane and happy about turning 30. i'm so tired of hearing my friends pine about getting "old" (we'll see if i feel differently when it's *me*).
plus, 30-somethings are so much hotter than 20-somethings ;)
Happy Birthday. I love your birthday requests – all us butches reap the benefits….
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fantastic day.
Happy 30th…make it year to remember!
Happy Birthday Suga !
I am working on my pic, no stripper shoes this year LOL!
I also am working on something special for you… email to follow :)
Happy birthday, you foxy boy!
I'm flattered that you featured my picture again! But damn, how am I going to outdo it this year?
Here's to another year of a thousand girls sighing in cyberspace…
Happy Birthday – life just keeps getting better, you just get well older.
From someone who is well past 30 but will always be younger than Madonna & Cher.
A belated very happy birthday to you Sinclair. Hope it was a good one! QRx